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HomeNOSN Teams

Strategic Alliance Team

Sheryl Riley (Chair)
Peggy Barton
Lea Ann Biafora
Dr. Dickson
Nichole East
Leslie Fox (J&J)
Diane Gerards –Benage
Loretta Goodson

Katherine Grigsby
Dawn Holcombe
Karl Lobo (J&J)
Damon Madison (AZ)
Dr. Rothstein-Rubin
Nichole Dixon (J&J)
Kim Woofter

Up to 4 Corporate Partners from each company can participate**



The Team is responsible for working with employer groups and business coalitions on access to oncology care for their employees.



Educate employer groups and business coalitions about the high cost of cancer care and what issues are involved, such as outdated payment models, high site of service costs, and expensive middlemen in order to provide better access to cancer care for their employees

Next Steps:


Partners from California and Texas began their work in early 2021


  • Developed template that includes:
  • How to identify the players and their roles within your individual states
  • Understand the book of business and state dynamics
  • How to start the conversation
  • Pitfalls
  • Connecticut is already working on this and California and Texas will be joining soon

Finance Team

Ricky Newton (Chair)
Dawn Holcombe
Mariana Lamb
Angela Ladner



To provide timely and accurate financial oversight for the organication.



To continue to grow Industry Partnership volume.

Next Steps:


To continue to monitor, strategize, and advise the board of best financial practices for the long-term financial health of the organization.


  • Successful financial planning and execution of NOSN’s annual in-person team meetings (with hybrid option).
  • Obtaining and maintaining financially valuable partnerships

Marketing and Communications Team

Kristin Prine (Chair)
Stella Cruzalegui
Leslie Fox (J&J)
Loretta Goodson
Dawn Holcombe
Angela Ladner
Mariana Lamb
Sheryl Riley
Pat Troy

Up to 4 Corporate Partners from each company can participate**



Responsible for brand review, update of informational materials, team communications, press release review, and increasing NOSN’s visibility.



Ensure clear and concise messaging of NOSN’s policies and continuous efforts

Next Steps:


  • Update NOSN branding and materials to reflect our evolving accomplishments, stances and advocacy work.
  • Create marketing strategies to expand the reach of NOSN’s messages and updates within the oncology community.

Membership Team

Dawn Holcombe (Chair)
Ricky Newton
Angela Ladner
Mariana Lamb


Responsible for membership growth by actively recruiting, retaining and engaging members.


  • Mentor new members to find their interests and strengths within NOSN to aid committee growth internally.
  • The team aims to welcome 5 more partners in 2021 - 2022

Next Steps:


Continue to create new partnerships and facilitate growth within our Teams.



The Team welcomed Miranda Sloan (Kentucky), Stuart Genschaw and Linda Richards (Michigan), Katherine Grigsby (Texas) and Alexandria Hafler (Arkansas and Colorado)

Pharmacy Team

Dawn Holcombe (Chair)
Peggy Barton
Leslie Fox (J&J)
Denise Johnstone
Mike Voeller
Willis Triplett

Damon Madison (AZ)
Ricky Newton
Sheryl Riley
Tammy Thiel

Up to 4 Corporate Partners from each company can participate**


The team monitors emerging issues related to pharmacy and cancer care on
 a state and national level. 


To support strategic decision making, to identify and inform state and national policy, to guide and educate, and to advocate and encourage appropriate regulatory and legislative approaches related to pharmacy and cancer care.

Next Steps:


While ensuring consistent messaging from the activities of 2020, the Team 
 expects to work more closely with the Policy and Legislative Teams in responding to individual 
states’ boards of pharmacy developing USP 797/800 policies for physicians, such as early in 
 2021 with the Ohio Board of Pharmacy.



NH State Board of Pharmacy — actions to inspect and fine NH medical practices were 
redacted. Definitions of compounding were legislated, and a collaborative relationship was 
developed between varying organizations for movement forward. (2018 – 2021, ongoing)

Comments submitted related to USP<797>. (2018, ongoing)
Monitoring, engagement, commenting of National USP Chapters, and Presence at the USP 
hearings January 2020 (2017, ongoing)

Waiver for physicians obtained from CT Board of Pharmacy legislation of USP<800> (2019)

Tracking and monitoring of national and state pharmacy activities — FL, NH, CT, TX, NJ, MA,
RI, CA, GA, Hawaii, IL, Iowa, Maine, MD, MN, OH, OK, VA to start (ongoing)

Updates, Self-Assessment Resource Tools built for NOSN members (2018, ongoing)

Whitebagging comments developed with MOASC for written and verbal presentation to 
CA Board of Pharmacy Committee (early 2021)

Reviews and preparation for PBM advocacy, initiatives and legislation (2020, ongoing

Positions Team

Angela Ladner
Miranda Sloan
Katherine Grigsby
Dawn Holcombe
James Lee
Damon Madison
Ricky Newton
Sheryl Riley


Develop and create NOSN’s position in response to requests on specific national and state statute and/or priority.


  • Consistent representative message to expand and solidify NOSN's influence across the country. 

Next Steps:

While ensuring consistent messaging from the activities of 2021, the team expects to work more closely with the Pharmacy Standards Team in responding to individual states’ boards of pharmacy developing USP 797/800 policies for physicians, such as early in 2021 with the Ohio Board of Pharmacy.


  • With the State Legislative Tea worked on Pharmacy Benefit Manager legislative response in California
  • With the Pharmacy Standards Team worked on Biosimilar policy response to Blue Cross/Anthem
  • With the Community Oncology Alliance supported their national campaign regarding step therapy and copay accumulator programs.

Program Team

Amanda Impellizzeri (Chair)
Lu Anne Bankert
Loretta Goodson
Dawn Holcombe
Angela Ladner
Christi Long

Stella Cruzalegui
Sheryl Riley
Miranda Sloan
Tammy Thiel
Mariana Lamb


Coordination of the Annual Meeting.


2023 annual meeting to be held both live and virtually June 15-17, 2023 in Louisville, Kentucky



The 2022 annual meeting was held at the Brown Palace Hotel in Denver, Colorado on July 29-30 • Participants included 20 State Partners representing 30 states and 7 Corporate Members from Johnson & Johnson, Daiichi Sankyo, Astra Zeneca, Merck and Takeda. 

State Legislature Team

Miranda Sloan (Chair)
Lea Ann Biafora
Patricia Alvarez-Sahagun (AZ)
LuAnne Bankert
Nichole East
Leslie Fox (J&J)
Karl Lobo (J&J)
Allison Rollins
Dawn Holcombe
Mariana Lamb
Mike Voeller
James Lee (COA)
Damon Madison (AZ)
Christy Levine
Sheryl Riley
Dr. Warren Fong
Tammy Thiel
Dorothy Phillips

Up to 4 Corporate Partners from each company can participate**


 The State Legislative Team is actively working towards forming partnerships with 
 national and state medical and patient advocacy groups to facilitate and coordinate passage, 
 or defeat, of legislation affecting access to care for the cancer patient. 


 Collaboration with the NOSN Policy Team and the NOSN Pharmacy Standards Team 
 to promote:

  • Uniform legislation throughout the states
  • Financial transparency
  • Physician decision-making freedom
  • Patient’s right to access and flexibility for individual needs
  • Solidify NOSN’s position in consistent representation regarding PBM legislation throughout
     the country.

Next Steps:

  • Define problems created by PBM’s.
  • Develop public policy solutions.
  • Bring together healthcare stakeholders and patient advocacy groups to build a cohesive 
     and effective voice for PBM reform


Our 2020-2021 legislative year focused on Pharmacy Benefit Management
