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HomeAbout NOSN

About NOSN

Nuts & Bolts

  • An independent nonprofit 501(c)6 corporation.
  • Challenges in cancer require complex solutions. NOSN unites par ties from different areas of oncology to respond to these challenges within the states.
  • Partners representing 41 states and include a diverse group of 5 physicians, 3 oncology nurses, 26 oncology state leaders, 1 CPA and 4 industry partners, and 1 oncology specialty pharmacist. 
  • Communication takes place on monthly calls as well as between partners at other times.
  • Sample legislation and policy wording can be shared quickly among the relevant states.
  • Best practices are shared in order to help states create more uniform standards for their patients.


Response Time



  • Face-to-face meetings are held annually.
  • Teleconferences are held on a monthly basis and as needed.
  • Team meetings are held according to a schedule set by that team
  • Review past issues and update activities.
  • Opportunity to bring up any new state issues that might be relevant so others are aware.
  • Yearly priorities are identified at the annual meeting and action items are divided into the appropriate teams.
  • Team reports: Collaborative Care, Finance, Marketing & Communications, Membership, Pharmacy, Policy and State Legislature.

Meeting Agendas